Thank You New York

New York VFX professional Bradley Friedman wrote a guest post on The Wrap explaining why he feels our legal effort to place anti-subsidy duties on subsidized VFX is important. Dear Hollywood: Fix VFX, It Will Fix the Movie Biz for You:

Hollywood, Yes the CVD is leverage against you. If you want to be angry at being forced into negotiations, be angry. But take a good long hard look at where you actually stand right now and ask yourself: Shouldn’t we have pulled out that chair a long time ago, before it got to this point?

If your investors take a good look at what has been going on, and you don’t un-cook the goose, there’s going to be hell to pay.

Mr. Friedman has mentioned our legal effort before in a blog post he wrote in November.

One of the pleasant surprises since I started this blog was the enthusiastic support from the NY Digital Production community. When I first started my blog, NY VFX professional Eric Alba was one of the first to mention it to the masses. Most recently, Motionographer Bran Dougherty-Johnson put together the short animation video you see on the ADAPT website.

After revealing my identity as VFX Soldier, I immediately took time to fly out to New York to meet with VFX pros at the School of Visual Arts. SVA Chair & Director John McIntosh told me the appearance was one of the best attended events he put together. I was impressed at how interested the community was with our effort. The conversation lasted for 3 hours!

So I just wanted to say thank you New York. I hope that if ADAPT becomes the organization I hope it is, that a significant component of that will be working with professionals in NY’s Digital Production community.

Soldier On.

3 Responses to Thank You New York

  1. Ace type says:

    Always need to fight for what is right… Hoping the good prevail.

  2. Raphael Protti says:

    That article referred here was really well written. I believe there is a delusion, however, that presenting the high moral ground while addressing the studio execs is going to sway them to be sympathetic. Instead, just work on bringing subsidies back here, in LA. These guys worry about their bottom line and their tenure, and that’s about it, but we can work with it. I can promise you studios will lobby against CVD’s, and it will go nowhere.

  3. […] January I had the pleasure to meet with NY VFX pros and I said I hope to work together more often on these issues. If you are a NY VFX pro with the […]

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